Garden Stone Painting


Garden Stone Painting

Choose smooth stones. Virtually any type of stone will work well for this project, so focus more on its condition, rather than what type it is. Favor those with smooth surfaces.
Do the same for indoor stones. If, on the other hand, your plan is to bring the outdoors in and raid your garden for stones to paint and place inside your home, use any acrylic, craft or water-based paint.
Sketch your design and practice on test stones. This step isn’t strictly necessary, so feel free to skip it if you’re just looking to have fun. 
Clean your stone. If you’re using stones that you found outside, wash them first. Don’t worry about special cleaners. Just wash them in warm water and soap to remove any dirt.


What can you do with your finished, painted stones? Lots of things!

  1. Make them into magnets.
  2. Decorate your garden.
  3. Create seasonal decorations.
  4. Unleash your inner artist and create a mini masterpiece. (And if you make a mistake? It’s okay. Just get another stone!)
  5. Have craft time with the kids (indoors or outside.)
  6. Make paperweights or gifts . . . or give paperweights as gifts. ( I think creating decorated stones for gifts is a great idea. Kids love to make them, and grandparents love to get them.)
  7. Make your very own pet rock (with google eyes, bows, or hair attached)
  8. Write inspirational messages on them.
  9. Sell your creations! If you get good enough, that is . . . there are plenty of Etsy shops that feature artsy stones for sale.
  10. A million other things I haven’t thought of yet!